Mission Zone

Mission Zone

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Week 25

One of the best weeks of my life!

Hey hey hey!!!! I just gotta say that being on the mission during your birthday is a huge blessing!!! This week was absolutely awesome! We worked super hard and this week we taught 30 lessons! It was definitely an awesome week, and when youre working this hard, the time goes by incredibly fast. 

So my birthday was awesome! We had 9 investigators at church this week! The best weve had in a while! It was absolutely awesome. I was fasting saturday/sunday morning but my joy was so full sunday morning that I couldnt even feel my hunger. Sacrifices definitely bring forth the blessings of heaven! It was an awesome Sunday, and my son, Elder Ruelas, taught the gospel principles class to 15 investigators all by himself! I was so proud! He was nervous but he did a great job! Hes grown a ton in the past few weeks and Im proud to call him my son. He still bugs the tar out of me but I love him none the less. After church we had a few visits in the afternoon. I ate 3 cakes yesterday. Needless to say I didnt sleep last night. And one of the best gifts I received is that one of our investigators, Tahisa, Picked her hair into an afro!!! It was so awesome!!!! Theres a photo attached. It was a blast of a day. But honestly the best part of the day was having so many people at church. It was incredible! Heavenly Father too gives birthday presents. And his help with the investigators for sure was an incredible gift. 

This morning was a blast, we played baseball with the zone. It was a blast. 

So one good spiritual story. We were in a lesson with one of our favorite investigators, Lina. Nicolles aunt. We came to the topic of her late husband, who was murdered when her son was only 4 months old. She talked to us about the last moments she had with her husband. They were in a fight. She has a terrible burden that she has carried around ever since. I have never felt the spirit so strong in my life as we testified about the power of repentance, and that in reality, shes already been forgiven, and that her late husband has forgiven her as well. He knows that she is the only one who can help him to become happy now, and that he is waiting to receive his baptism. He is excited about the path she is on. Our Father in Heaven knows how she feels, and to help take away the pain she feels, He sent us to her. Shes preparing to be baptized the 13th. I cant wait!!!
Well. The mission is awesome. Rain or shine. Even on birthdays. 

Love always,
Elder Hodson
1. Familia Davila!!!! I love them! theyre gonna get married and baptized this month! Weve been working with them forever! haha 
2. cake 1, vanilla mango cake. so bomb
3. Cake 2 also bomb
4. jonathan and carmen, recent converts from perdomo. I love them, theyre awesome
5. AFRO!!!!!!!
6. Suyapa and her family. They treat me like their own. They made me brownies
7. The shirt my comp gave me for my birthday! its super cool. 
8.  the brownies suyapa made me

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