Mission Zone

Mission Zone

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Week 24

Family and Friends,

This has been quite the awesome week here in Honduras!!! It started off well because I got my packages for my birthday early! I had no self control so I had to open them early hahaha and Im glad I did because inside were peanut butter m&ms my favorite! haha I got an awesome USA jersey and some sweet ties, some great books, a ton of candy, and a bunch of other goodies. Ill attach a photo of me in the jersey with my buddy elder criddle. 

This week was awesome and we worked really hard. We have some incredible investigators who are progressing very rapidly, the one I want to focus on is Nicoll´s aunt Lina. She is quite incredible. She has clearly been prepared by the hand of the Lord and she didnt even realize it. We had an incredibly spiritual lesson about the doctrine of christ and she easily understood the need for baptism. She also understood that to be baptized doesnt mean we have to be perfect and 100 knowleadgable. If that was the case, no one would ever be baptized! She understood the need for the Holy Ghost in our conversion process. That its impossible to carry on faithful in this life with his companionship! Then at the end of our lesson with her she entrusted in us that her husband had been murdered 5 years back and that shes had a unfillable hole in her soul ever since... It felt amazing to promise someone, even before we taught her the plan of salvation, that we were going to change her life. That we were going to fill that hole in her soul. I know she´ll be baptized soon, because she understands how dire the need is. 

My funny story for this week was also a spiritual uplifting. We went with the oldest member of our ward, Hermano Trochez, to go find a family of whom we received a reference. We never found the house. So instead of dropping us off he turned and said, Well, stay right here, Im gonna go contact these women over there! WHAT?!?!?! HERMANO WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?! So this 80 year old gets out of his car, walks over and contacts these women. Very brash. And very pushy. But we ended up at the end of the day with 2 new families to teach! haha It was hilarious to see the startled look in peoples faces as this ancient man forced the gospel upon them! hahah but after they saw how friendly we were they calmed down and we set up appointments with them. After he dropped us off and I stopped laughing... I realized how awesome Hermano Trochez is. Hes 80. Hes got 40 grandchild. Hes one of the most succesful men in all of La Ceiba, yet he is STILL willing to go out and boldly preach the gospel! Its incredible! What excuses do we have as young lively members of the church to not share the gospel with our friends and neighbors?! If an 80 year old man can go out contacting door to door, every member can share the gospel with their friends and family. 

Something I learned this week came from a book my parents sent me, the 7 day Christian. Have you noticed the perfect lack of evidence that God exists? it is 100% equal on either side of the argument. It is impossible to prove that God exists and impossible to prove that he doesnt. That for me is the evidence that God DOES exist! He gives us our agency, even when it comes to believing in him! He doesnt force us to believe in him by giving us undisputable evidence! How incredible is that? He wants us to choose him. He doesnt want to force us. That is all the evidence I need to know he exists and loves me.

Well the mission is awesome. I love every day. Some days more than others I wont lie haha. Thanks for all my birthday wishes. Love you all! 

Elder Hodson

1 Sitting in a hammock with my cooks german shepard Baera. She loves me haha 
2Elder Criddle and I, repping that USA Swaagggg
3 Attachments

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