Mission Zone

Mission Zone

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Week 87

I believe in Miracles

Dearest Family and Friends,


Its scary actually. the weeks are so fast because were always so busy!!!! but Its awesome to always be with president helping him make decisions. 

This week we had a meeting with the missionaries that only have 8 weeks in the mission. It was fun to be with them. its funny how they look at older missionaries as if they were general authorities hahaha but those newbies are solid. Probably the most solid group of gringos ive ever seen. So the mission will always be in good hands.

Me and my comp get along so welll. Just thought id let you know. I freaking love this kid. Favorite comp hands down haha 

After, we went to Olanchito to do divisions! It was good to be back in that area. I always feel like I couldve done more for that ward. But with Guzman being baggy and then not having a comp for 2 weeks, the last change was a little bit of a waste of time. But it was good to walk the new elders around more and show them a bunch of investigators that they can teach. It was great to see that people who had stopped progressing, like leo and rosibel, are now progressing again and have accepted baptismal dates again! I love it. I feel much better now about Olanchito and my work there. Im just a little worried about the elders there.... My replacecment is also from las vegas and hes really weird. He takes pictures of every class of fruit before he eats it and he knows all the names.... but yeah. to each his own haha

We saw a huge miracle this week! !Elder reese, the old AP told me before he left that if I do a ton of divisions and help the mission, the baptisms will come. boom. said and done. Theres a 17 year old named axel whos been going to church for a year and his mom never wanted to give him permission. I told him to tell his mom that its not like shes giving him permission to sell drugs, but to do something good in his life! And thats exactly what he told her, and boom! Signature. So one day this week, all our lessons had fallen through, so we just started walking, and there we saw axel and he called us over and said " IVE GOT PERMISSION!!!" and told us he wanted to be baptized this saturday, or today in other words! So yeah, today we have a baptism at 1!! Thats why im writing home now. Afterwards, im gonna drive out to santa rita to see the silva family's baptism as well. itll be a good day!

I love you all!
Elder Hodson

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