Mission Zone

Mission Zone

Friday, February 5, 2016

Week 100


Dearest Family and Friends,

How is everyone this week? I hope life is good for everyone!

Thank heavens for divisions. We had divisions with ZLs twice this week, and that was great for me. it keeps me on my toes! I cant be baggy when we're always with ZLs watching our example! So theyre keeping me working my hardest. but Im trying my hardest to not get baggy!!!! haha But we worked hard this week and we've already had a ton of lessons and we should kill it tomorrow at church.

Well this week was a little different. A definite testimony builder of the plan of salvation. First, on wednesday, Ericks baby brother Cesar was riding on the motorcycle with their Dad, and they got hit by a truck! Poor little guy! Hes like 25% all road rashed up! But angels were there to lighten his fall because he didnt break any bones. Hes just as roudy as always, just bed ridden so he doesn get infections in his wounds. 

And then on thursday something even more tragic happened. Since ive been here we've been visiting a less active family and they recently got reactivated and have been coming to church. Well Rosemary, the mom, whos only 28 years old or so, got pneumonia and passed away leaving her husband and 6 year old boy behind. So tragic. But its suprising what a testimony of the plan of salvation can do for someone. The peace the gospel brings to know that no one really ever dies and that we can be sealed to our families for ever. It all sounds so cliché, but when death becomes a reality, that promise from God really does help ease ones burdens and give one hope to push on faithfully. My heart goes out to that family. 

Well. I dont want to be too depressing! Im still loving life and working my hardest! The WHOLE WORLD needs to know this! They all need to know that death has no victory! That we may always be with our loved one. May we share this knowledge with someone this week! 

Elder Hodson

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